Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Reader

Dear reader,

Standing in Costco on the clock, being told for the fourth time by my 8th manager to do something completely different than my 5th manager asked, I realized I can not get stuck hear in this dysfunction. The only way out I could see was furthering my education, which would lead to more job opportunities. My name is Colt Mercer and I am 22 years old and graduated from Stanwood high school in 2006. I never really wanted to go back to school once I got out. It seemed my mind entered party mode once it grasped the fact I did not have responsibilities any longer. “Drankin and skating boarding,” were my new responsibilities for awhile. Luckily I did not end up getting sucked into that black hole. I received a job working for Costco in 2007 and have been working there for two and half yearts. I owe them a thank you for paying my bills and helping me step into the college life at EVCC. I do not know what I am attending school for yet, but I do know I need to do it. As of right now I am only taking math and English. Math blows quite a bit, but English I enjoy for the most part.

I have always liked to write papers all through middle school and high school, but never really understood what makes a great paper and how people can write 12 page papers. In the past, I was told I had good flow and ideas with my papers, but when ever I was giving writing assignments I always struggled with the length; three pages were all I could push out! As for spelling and grammar you can consider me, “mildly retarded.” Going into English 97, I hoped I would get a better understanding of how a paper really works. Drawing to an end I have to say it really has. You have to be able to get your thoughts or ideas out and be able to discuss your work. Pre-writing was something I never took seriously through out my entire school life, as a result it puts your thoughts and ideas in a better order, rather than them bouncing around in your head like a small child on a sugar high at Chucky Cheeses. Discussing your papers with a peer response group is nerve racking for most, but it allows you to understand your mistakes and in my case add length to my paper. You need to, “Show Not Tell,” in your papers, for you have to keep your reader in mind and paint a strong picture in there head with your words. Flow in your papers is a strong concept to grasp and punctuations and the right word choices help with this. Having a story that feels like a chainsaw blade running across your readers mind is never an enjoyable story to read, you want it to feel smooth.

I have chosen three of my MWA’s, The Aging ’53 Belair, The Wishing Well, Strides To Dislike, and my journal number four, show not tell. I have chosen these due to that fact I feel they show my best work of improvement. The Wishing Well shows my ability of the writing process, my journal number four shows descriptive writing, The Aging ’53 Belair shows my ability to write effectively, and Strides To Dislike is my writers choice. I hope you enjoy my pieces I have put together for my E- Portfolio.

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